How to Create a Blogger Blog: A Success Guide

Create a Blogger Blog
How to Create a Blogger Blog

Create a Blogger blog and share your blogging journey! This user-friendly platform makes it easy to create a beautiful and engaging blog, even for beginners. Whether you are new to blogging, want to start a new blog, or even earn money through blogging. Blogger has got you covered.

In this guide will walk you through every step of the process, from signing up for Blogger to getting started with your free blog and publishing your first post. Let's get started!


What Makes Blogger Ideal for Creating a Blogger Blog?

Easy Setup: Blogger is a user-friendly platform from Google, requiring no coding skills to operate your blog. This makes it ideal for beginners.
Free and Reliable: Unlike some platforms with limitations on free plans, Blogger offers a completely free service with the trusted backing of Google.
✅ Customization Options: Blogger provides a variety of free and responsive templates, and is very mobile-friendly, to choose from. You can also upload and customize your own templates for a unique look.
Drag-and-Drop Editing: The intuitive layout editor makes customizing your blog layout a breeze. Simply drag and drop elements (widgets) to arrange elements on your blog.
Content Management: Blogger's post editor offers all the essentials for writing and managing your blog post. You can schedule posts, add labels and meta descriptions, optimize images with alt tags, and more.
Monetization: Blogger integrates seamlessly with Google AdSense and allows other monetization options like affiliate marketing, making it easy to earn from your blog.
Data Backup and Export: Blogger allows you to back up your blog data, ensuring the safety of your content. You can also export your blog to other platforms if needed.
Integration: Blogger easily integrates with other Google apps and services, making it a convenient platform for bloggers. You can store your images and files in Google Drive to streamline your blogging workflow when you create a blog post.
Spam Filter: Spam comments are a big problem on blogs, and Blogger's automatic spam filter helps save you time by automatically filtering out most unwanted comments.
✅ Blogger Community and Support: Blogger offers a helpful online community forum where you can connect with fellow bloggers and find support. The information and assistance available can be very useful for beginners. You learn how to start a blog for beginners and solve the problems you are facing.

Things You Should Know

Signing In with an Existing Google Account:
The Blogger homepage offers a "SIGN IN" button for existing accounts. Click it and log in using your Google account credentials (email address and password). Above all, to create a Blogger blog, you must associate it with your Gmail account. You have multiple Google accounts choose an account you want to associate with your new Blogger blog.

Choose your Google account to start a blog and sign in with Blogger.
Blogger sign in page and choose an email account.

Once logged in, you will be redirected to your Blogger dashboard where you can manage your new blog(s).

Creating a Free Google Account (Optional):
If you don't have a Google account, you can create one for free during the Blogger sign-up process. This allows you to access various Google services, including Blogger. You can create a Google account by clicking on this link: Link to creating a Google account.

Now that you know the Blogger login process, Let’s continue with step 1 to create a Blogger blog.

Step 1. Creating a Blog

1. Visit

The link moves you to sign in to the Blogger website in your browser.

Step 1 Visit
Visit Blogger signup page:

2. Click the CREATE YOUR BLOG blog Button.

Step 2 Click the CREATE YOUR BLOG blog Button.
Clicking the CREATE YOUR BLOG button on the Blogger homepage.

3. Sign In Button by Using Your Account on Google.

Since you need a Google account to sign in to Blogger. You can create an account by following the instructions in the above section titled "Creating a Free Google Account". To create a Blogger blog and use your Gmail account to log in to Blogger, follow these steps:

Step 3 Sign In Button by Using Your Account on Google.
Blogger sign in page and enter your email address or phone.

  • Enter your Google email address or phone number associated with your account.
  • Then Click "Next."Enter your Google account password.
  • Click "Next" to sign in and access Blogger.

4. Choose the Blog Title

Enter Blog Title: Here is where you name your blog! Upon sign-in, a pop-up lets you create your new blog. Click the “Title” field at the top and enter a blog name. 

Step 4 Choose the Blog Title.
Enter a blog title in the "Title" field.

Blogger checks availability as you type, so pick a blog name that is short, memorable, and easy to type.
To clarify, aim for short, easy-to-remember titles when you CREATE NEW BLOG.

5. Choose the Blog URL

Enter blog URL (Web Address): People find you by your URL! Choose a short & catchy URL for your blog one that reflects your blog's theme or title for better SEO. Blogger offers a free subdomain with your blog title (e.g., 

Here is how to create one:

Step 5 Choose the Blog URL.
Enter blog URL in the "Adress" field.

  • In the pop-up, find the "Address" field (below "Title").
  • Type your desired URL. Blogger suggests options as you type.
  • Pick a URL from the suggestions or use your own (if available).
  • Green checkmark? Great, you are set! Red mark? Try a different URL.

6. Choose the Blog Display Name

Choose Display Name: This is the name your readers will see displayed on your blog post. Pick a blog name that reflects your personality or brand. To confirm your display name for your blog. Enter the blog display name in the “Display Name” field. Then click “Finish”.

Step 6 Choose the Blog Display Name.
Choose Display Name in the "Display Name" field.

Congratulations! 🏆 You have successfully created your Blogger blog.

Step 2. How to Change a Theme on Blogger?

Now that you create a Blogger blog, you need to pick your theme. Blogger provides a wide range of free templates with extensive visual customization choices. Pick one from the list of blogger templates that allows you to customize the look and feel of your blog to your liking. Explore the template options in the theme section of the Blogger dashboard. You can always change your template or theme later if needed.

Here are the steps to change a template for your blog:

  • In the left menu, from the Blogger dashboard. Click "Theme".
  • Select your template, and at the bottom, click "Apply".
Blogger free themes Select your theme and click "Apply"
Blogger theme Select your free theme and click "Apply".

  • To save a copy of your template, in the top right click the "More icon" or small arrow. Then click "Backup" and then "Download".
Click the "More icon" or small arrow, then click "Backup"
Click "Backup" then Download to save a copy of your template.

Remember: To start a blog with a beautiful template that showcases your blog’s unique style for visitors. (alert-success)


Step 3. Customize Your Blog

While Blogger templates offer a good starting point, you can further personalize and design your blog for a unique touch.

How to customize your new blog template on Blogger

  • Click on the "Theme" tab in the left sidebar to change the layout and design your blog.
  • Under “My theme” click Customize.
  • In the left menu (click the arrow icon to expand it if needed), you can customize your background image and use the advanced options to change like page text, add CSS, theme colors, and more. Also, you can add gadgets (widgets) like display information about yourself to your visitors or features on your blog.
  • In the bottom right, click "Save".

The picture below helps you see how to customize your new blog template on Blogger:

Customize your blog template on Blogger.
Customize your blog template on Blogger.

Step 4. Create Your First Blog Post

Click the "New Post" Button on the Blogger dashboard.

New post button on the Blogger dashboard.
New post button on the Blogger dashboard.

Start writing content in the post editor:
  • Title: Enter your title directly in the editor.
  • Format: Use headings, subheadings, bold, italics, and bullet points to improve readability. Consider font type and color for additional emphasis.
  • Visuals: Include images, videos, and emojis to enhance engagement.
  • Linking: Link to relevant resources to provide context and value.

Post editor in blog on Blogger
Post editor in blog on Blogger.

Before publishing, explore the post settings panel on the right side of your editor. Here are some important options you can adjust:
  • Labels (Categories/Tags): Use relevant keywords to categorize your content for readers and search engines.
  • Custom Permalink: Craft a clear, keyword-rich URL for your post (e.g., "your-post-title").
  • Search Description: Write a captivating summary (under 150 characters) to entice searchers.

Post settings panel editor on Blogger blog
Post settings panel editor on Blogger blog.

Click “Preview” button for a last look before hitting “Publish” button to share your new blog post!

Preview button and Publish button on Blogger.
Preview button and Publish button on Blogger.

Step 5. Promote Your Blog

Once your blog is up and running, actively promote it to attract readers. Social media marketing is a powerful strategy tool to achieve your target.

Leverage Social Media Platforms:

  • You should share your blog posts consistently on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Quora.
  • On the other hand, engage with other bloggers in your niche by commenting on their posts and participating in online communities. This will allow potential readers to discover your blog organically.

Benefits of Linking Accounts to New Blog:
  • Increase Website Traffic: Social media links can drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Build Backlinks: Links from social media profiles can improve your blog's SEO ranking.
  • Connect with Your Audience: Engage with your readers through social networks for better interaction.
Adding Social Media Links to Your Blogger Blog
  1. Access the "Layout" section in your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Click "Add a Gadget" in the desired location (sidebar or footer).
  3. Select "Link list" gadget.
  4. Add a title (optional) and your social media profile URLs. You can also choose to add platform buttons or icons for a more visual representation.
  5. Click "Save".

You can add, remove, and edit gadgets on your blog. Also, click and drag to rearrange gadgets for the layout of your blogger blog. (alert-success)

For example, the image below shows the steps to link your social account to your Blogger blog.

Linking a social account to Blogger blog.
Linking a social account to Blogger blog.

Enable Blog Button for Social Sharing on Blogger:

  • In your Blogger dashboard, navigate to "Layout".
  • Edit the "Blog Posts" (Gadget) section and check the box next to "Show Share Buttons" to allow readers to easily share your content on social networks.
To clarify, see the picture below to enable a blog button for social media sharing on Blogger.

Enable the blog button "Show Share Buttons"
Enable the blog button "Show Share Buttons".

As a result of promoting your blog and connecting with your audience on social media, your blog will reach a wider audience and build a loyal readership.

Customize Social Media Previews:

Add Open Graph Protocol (OGP) meta tags to your Blogger's HTML code to control how your content appears when shared on social media (title, image, description).


This requires editing your theme's HTML code (backup first!).
  1. Access the "Themes" section in your Blogger blog dashboard, click the Down arrow then select "Edit HTML"
  2. Insert the OGP meta tags between the <head> and </head> tags.
The image below is an example of how Open Graph tags might look for a blog on Blogger.

Open graph tags for a blog on Blogger.
Open graph tags for a blog on Blogger.

<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Your Page Title" />
<meta property="og:URL" content="" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Write your page description." />
<meta property="og:image" content="" /> (code-box)

With this purpose in mind, once you create a Blogger blog or any blog, you need to add the OPG meta tags. To ensure your posts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are looks excellent and engaging.

Display Blog Updates (RSS Feed):

Ever wanted your readers to be notified whenever you publish a new blog post? This allows them to stay up-to-date on your latest content. There are two ways readers can subscribe to your blog updates:
  • Email: Some Blogger templates offer built-in email subscription options. Check your template settings for details.
  • An RSS feed is a way for readers to use a feed reader app or service to receive updates from your blog. Think of it like a personalized news feed for your favorite blogs.
Here's how to add an RSS feed widget to your Blogger sidebar:
  1. Go to your blog in the Blogger dashboard and click the "Layout" option.
  2. Click the "Add a Gadget" blog button in the sidebar or footer.
  3. Select the "Feed" gadget.
  4. In the "Configure Feed" section, paste the feed URL for your blog.
  5. Choose the "maximum number of shown items" of posts you want to display in the widget.
  6. Click "Save" to save the changes.

Adding an RSS Feed to Blogger
Adding a Feed to Blogger

Share Your Feed (Subscription Options):

You can also share your blog feed using these links (replace "blogname" with your actual blog address):

The feed benefit is when you create a blogger blog. It is easy for your audience to follow your latest content. By adding a feed widget and sharing these links, they can stay updated with everything you publish.

Step 6. Manage Your Blog with Blogger Dashboard

Blogger dashboard is friendly and gives you everything you need to manage your blog like a pro.
All from one place! There are more options through the dashboard to help you manage your blog once it is set up.
Want to see what it looks like in your browser?

Blogger dashboard in your browser
Blogger dashboard in your browser

You can use this dashboard to manage posts, check stats, moderate comments, and design your blog with themes and layouts. Also, if you have monetized your blog, the Blogger dashboard provides insights into your earnings.

See Your Blog Live

Click "View Blog" to see how your published content appears to your readers.

View blog buttons in Blogger.
View blog buttons in Blogger.

Step 7. Check if Your Blog Visible to Search Engines

Check if your blog visible to search engines. The search algorithm is how most people discover new blogs. Let's ensure your blog is properly indexed and visible to potential readers!

Here's a quick way to check if your blog is visible:
  1. Access your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Click on "Settings".
  3. Scroll down to the Privacy section.
  4. Look for the option labeled "Visible to search engines" and make sure it is checked.

Privacy section in Blogger.
Privacy section in Blogger.

Once you create a Blogger blog, allow search engines to find your blog. You must enable this option for search algorithms like Google can discover, crawl, and index your blog.

Step 8. How to Add a Favicon?

A favicon is a small image (icon) displayed in your browser tab. You can see next to your blog title when you open a website in a search bar. To change the default favicon on Blogger, follow the below steps:
  • Go to "Settings" then click on "favicon" to update.
  • Upload a square image less than 100 KB and sized between 16x16 pixels and 32x32 pixels.
  • Click on "Save" to apply the changes.

Add a favicon to the Blogger blog.
Add a favicon to the Blogger blog.

Voila, you did it! Excellent.
Tips for Choosing a Favicon:
Simple and Memorable: Design your blog favicon to be simple and easy to recognize at a small size. (alert-success)


Step 9. Create a Blog Logo

A custom logo helps your blog stand out and creates a professional image. If you already have a logo designed, here's how to easily upload it to your Blogger blog:

  1. After Sign in to Blogger as the administrator of your blog.
  2. Go to the Layout section. You can access it directly through this link:
  3. Find the Header section. This is usually where your blog title appears.
  4. Click the edit icon (it might look like a small pencil) to edit the Header.
  5. Click "Choose File" to upload your blog logo image from your computer.
  6. Click "Save Changes" to apply your custom logo.

Create a blog logo
Create a blog logo.

Tip: For optimal display, ensure your logo image is sized appropriately and saved in a web-friendly format like PNG or JPG. (alert-success)

Step 10. How to Create New Pages for Your Blog

You can easily create pages using Blogger. Every blog needs informative static pages like “About” and “Contact.” You can display them as tabs at the top of your blog or as links on the sidebar.

Here is how steps to create newpages on Blogger:
  1. Access the Settings: In your dashboard go to the section "Setting" menu.
  2. Create a New Page: Locate the "Pages" option within the settings and click on it. In the top left corner, you will find the "New Page" button—click on it from there.
  3. Fill in Page Details: Enter a clear and descriptive title for your page (e.g., "About Us" or "Contact Us") and dda any relevant content for the page.
  4. Publish Your Page: Once you are satisfied with your page content, click "Save" to finalize the changes. You can also use the "Preview Page" option to check how it appears before publishing. Finally, click "Publish" in the top right corner to make the page live on your blog.

As shown in the picture below:

Create a new webpage in Blogger
Create a new webpage in Blogger.

After creating your pages, you can manage their visibility in the 'Layout' section of your settings.

Step 11. How to Add a Gadget?

Blogger widgets are small applications that add functions and keep readers engaged in your blog. You can use them to display various elements like Google Translate, social media feeds, or recent posts.

Here are the steps to create a gadget for your new Blogger blog:

1. From Your Dashboard Navigate to Layout: Locate the "Layout" section on the left-hand menu and click on it. This opens the layout editor for your blog.

Accessing the Layout Editor
Accessing the Layout Editor

2. Identify the Gadget Placement Area: Decide where you want to add the gadget to your blog layout. Look for design your blog sections or areas with (+ Add a Gadget).

3. Click "Add a Gadget": Click on the "+ Add a Gadget" blog button in your chosen placement area.

4. Select Your Gadget: A window will appear displaying available gadgets. Choose the gadget you want to add by clicking on it.Selecting gadgets from the display gadgets.

Selecting gadgets from the display gadgets.
Selecting gadgets from the display gadgets.

5. Configure the Gadget (Optional): Explore this option (for example, configuring the page list when adding the "Pages" gadget). Click "Save" after configuring your widget.

Configure the gadget by adding the "Pages" list.
Configure the gadget by adding the "Pages" list.

7. Finally, click "Save" in the bottom-right corner to save all the changes you make. (see the image).

Save the bottom-right corner in Blogger.
Save the bottom-right corner in Blogger.

Pro Tip: Blogger's layout editor allows you to easily drag and drop gadgets to different locations on your blog. This lets you experiment with the layout and find the optimal placement for your gadgets. (alert-success)

Adding the Labels Gadget (Optional):

The steps mentioned above are generally applicable for adding any gadget to your Blogger blog. Here is a specific example: to display a list of labels on your sidebar, follow the same steps (1-3) but choose the "Labels" gadget from the available options in the pop-up window. You can then optionally configure the labels displayed within the gadget settings. 

The following image makes it clear:

Add a Labels on the blog sidebar in Blogger.
Add a Labels on the blog sidebar in Blogger.

Tip: Adding labels to your sidebar helps readers discover related content on your blog by browsing through your label categories or tags. (alert-passed)

Step 12. Blogger Hosting and Security - Is Blogger Safe?

For new bloggers, security concerns can be daunting. But Blogger, a free blogging platform by Google, offers a secure and reliable hosting solution.

Here's why you should choose a blogging platform like Blogger for beginners:
  • Free, Secure Hosting: Blogger leverages Google's robust infrastructure to host your blog, eliminating the need for separate hosting fees. More importantly, Google's security measures help protect your blog from online threats.
  • Automatic SSL Certificates: Every Blogger blog comes with a free SSL certificate install by default. This encrypts data transfer between your blog and visitors, safeguarding their privacy and information.

How to Verify Your SSL Certificate

While Blogger automatically enables SSL certificates, you can easily verify its activation:
  •  Navigate to your blog dashboard.
  • In the left menu, click on "Settings" followed by "Basic".
  • Locate the "HTTPS" section and enable "switch to active" for "HTTPS Availability".
As you can see in the image below:-

Enable an SSL certificate in Blogger.
Enable an SSL certificate in Blogger.

After making this change, your blog will now be secure with HTTPS and a valid SSL certificate.

Step 13. Privacy Settings

Blogger's privacy settings allow you to control who can access your blog and manage your blog users.
These settings can be found within the 'Settings' menu on the Blogger dashboard, specifically under the 'Permissions' section.

Here's a breakdown of the key settings:

Bloggger dashboard Settings 'Permissions' section.
Bloggger dashboard Settings "Permissions" section.

Blog Users

  • Admins & Authors: This section displays a list of users who can manage and edit your blog. You can also change or remove their access here.
  • Pending Invites: This shows users you've invited to become authors or readers, but who haven't yet accepted.
  • Invite More Users: Enter an email address to invite someone as an author (up to 100 total members allowed). They'll need a Google account to manage and post on your blog.

Reader Access

By default, your blog is public. Here, you can choose who can see it:
  • Public: Anyone can access your blog.
  • Private to Authors: Only blog admins and authors can view it.
  • Custom Readers: Only specific users you invite can see it.

Privacy settings on blogger reader access permissions.
Privacy settings in the Blogger reader access option.

Custom Readers

This section displays a list of users you've invited as readers who can see your blog, and allows you to manage those invites.

Step 14. Monetize Your Blogspot Blog

Many bloggers wonder, "Can you make money from your blog on Blogger?" The answer is yes! Blogger integrates seamlessly with Google AdSense, a popular advertising program that allows you to monetize your blog by displaying targeted ads.

Even as a beginner, you can aim to get AdSense approval to place ads on your blog, but your blog content will need to meet AdSense's terms and conditions. (Link to Google AdSense Program Policies).

Read this article about How to Get Google Adsense Approval

Here's how to get started with AdSense on Blogger:

  1. Access Your Earnings Section: In your Blogger dashboard, click on "Earnings." You might be prompted to create an account in Google AdSense if you don't have one already.
  2. Ad Placement and Optimization: Google automatically places ads on your blog in strategically chosen locations for optimal visibility. You also have the flexibility to customize their placement within your blog's layout.
Earnings section in the blog in Blogger.

Benefits of AdSense for Blogger Users:
  • Passive Income Potential: AdSense offers a passive income stream, allowing you to earn revenue whenever visitors click on the displayed ads.
  • Easy Setup: Integrating AdSense with Blogger is a simple process.
  • Targeted Advertising: Google's technology ensures that ads displayed on your blog are relevant to your content and audience, potentially leading to higher click-through rates.
Important Note: Building a loyal readership is crucial for maximizing your earnings through AdSense. The more visitors your blog attracts, the greater the potential income from ad clicks. (alert-passed)

Step 15. Add a Blog Description

After creating a Blogger blog, you can customize it to add a description! It is a summary (around 500 characters) on your homepage. It gives visitors a deeper understanding of your blog’s focus and the content you offer.

Here's how to add it:
  1. Go to Settings > Basic.
  2. Find the "Description" field.
  3. Write a compelling description highlighting your blog's niche, target audience, and the value it offers. (use keywords).
  4. Click Save Changes.
In the Blogger setting Add a Blog Description.
Add a Blog Description in the "Description" field.

That's it! Your compelling description will now be displayed on your blog's homepage.

Step 16. Enable Search Description

A search description is short (around 150 characters). That appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) below your blog homepage URL. It helps users understand what your blog is about and can encourage them to click.

Here is how to do it:

Add search description in Blogger Blog.
Enable search description meta tag in Blogger.

  1. Go to Settings >Meta tags.
  2. Enable search description by Turn it on and click in the "Search Description" field.
  3. In the field “search description”. Write a concise and engaging summary of your blog (around 150 characters).
  4. Click Save Changes.

The meta tag description looks like this in Google search:

Meta tag looks like
Meta tag looks like in Google search.

Step 17. Traffic Stats for Your Website

Understanding your audience is crucial for any blogger. Blogger Stats provide a built-in tool to gain valuable insights into your blog's performance.

Benefits of Using Blogger Stats:

  • Track Pageviews: Monitor the total number of pageviews your blog receives, providing a basic understanding of reader engagement.
  • Identify Trends: Analyze pageviews over time to identify trends and see how your content resonates with your audience.
  • Tailor Content Strategy: Use insights from Blogger Stats to tailor your content strategy and cater to reader interests.

Accessing and Utilizing Blogger Stats:

  1. Navigate to Stats: Within your Blogger dashboard, simply click on the "Stats" option.
  2. Review Basic Metrics: This section displays basic statistics like pageviews, providing a general overview of your blog's traffic.

For Advanced Insights: Integrate Google Analytics

Blogger Stats offer a starting point, but for more detailed analysis, consider integrating Google Analytics. This powerful tool provides in-depth data on demographics, traffic sources, and user behavior.
The Web stream details page with the ID "G-" (Measurement ID) look like:

Web stream details page.
Web stream details page.

Setting Up Analytics in Blogger:

  1. Access Settings: Navigate to "Settings" under the "Basic" section in your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Locate Google Analytics: Find the "Google Analytics Measurement ID" section.
  3. Connect Your Account: Insert your "G-" ID in the provided field. (Note: You are required to create an account in Google Analytics).
Inserting measurement ID.
Inserting measurement ID.

Keep in mind: When you start a blog, Consider using Google Search Console besides Google Analytics for deeper insights into your website’s SEO performance.

Without doubt, Analytics Academy provides free online courses. These courses can help you learn about Google’s measurement tools to grow your business through intelligent data collection and analysis.

Step 18. Blog on the Go with the Blogger Mobile App

The Blogger app for Android (version 5.0 and above) lets you manage your blog from your phone. You can easily promote your blog from anywhere without carrying a laptop.

Here's what you can do:
  • Create and publish new blog posts on the go.
  • Save drafts for later editing on your computer.
  • Edit existing posts and manage their content.
  • Easily share links to your published posts.
  • Manage multiple blogs by switching between accounts.
  • Get a full desktop view of your blog or post by opening it in a browser.
  • View your blog and settings. Also, access the Blogger Help Center.
  • Provide in-app feedback to help improve the app.

Blogger application in Goole Play Store.
Blogger application in Goole Play Store.

Get the the Blogger app: Download and Install on Your Phone or Tablet on Google Play Store.

Step 19. Optimize Your Blogger Home Page with Custom Robots Tags

Want to control how search engines see your Blogger home page? Custom robot tags allow you to fine-tune your SEO strategy. Here's a breakdown of each option and its impact:

Home Page SEO Settings (Meta Robots):

Custom Robot Tag Description Recommended for Homepage?
All (default) Allows indexing and following links. Yes
Noindex Hides your homepage from search results (not recommended). No
Nofollow Limits search engine ability to discover other pages (not recommended). No
Nosnippet Prevents displaying a snippet from your homepage in search results (not recommended). No
Noodp Outdated tag, no longer relevant. No
Notranslate This prevents crawlers from indexing your homepage content. (May not be necessary) No
Noimageindex Crawlers can access and index images on your homepage. (May affect image discovery) No
Unavailable_after Specifies a date after which content shouldn't be indexed (not common for homepages). No

Posts and pages typically use the same custom robot tags as your homepage (All - recommended).

Custom Robot Tag Description Recommended for Posts & Pages?
All (default) This is the default option and allows crawlers to access and index your content, as well as follow links to other relevant pages on your blog. Yes (Keep Enabled)

Archive and Search Pages (Meta Robots):

Custom Robot Tag Description Recommended for Archive & Search Pages?
Noindex This prevents crawlers from indexing these pages, which often contain duplicate content from your posts. Yes (Keep Enabled)
Nofollow This prevents crawlers from following links on these pages, directing their focus on your unique content (posts and pages). Yes (Keep Enabled)

Turn on custom robots header tags in Blogger: Settings > Crawlers and indexing.

Activate custom robots header tags in Blogger settings.
Activate custom robots header tags in Blogger settings.

These settings help search engines prioritize your main content and avoid indexing potentially duplicate content.

The image shows custom robot header tag setting in Blogger.

Custom robot header tag setting in Blogger.
Custom robot header tag setting in Blogger.

Step 20. User Blogger Profile

To update your Blogger profile information and how it appears to others, follow these steps:

Access Your Profile: Click on "Settings" and then "Edit Profile" under general.

Edit Profile under general
Edit user profile on Blogger Setting.

Update Your Blogger Profile Information:
  • Privacy: Under the "Privacy" section, select the blogs you want to display on your profile. This allows you to choose which blogs are visible to others.
  • Identity: Set your "Display Name" which is the name visitors will see associated with your blog posts.
  • Profile Photo: Upload a profile image to personalize your profile and make it more recognizable.
Update Your Profile Info on Blogger
Update your profile information in Blogger.

For a strong first impression, make sure your profile is complete, including a clear and professional-looking profile photo.

Step 21. Choose a Blogging Platform

Blogger vs.

Blogger and are both online publishing platforms! 
Google Blogger is a great choice for beginners who want to create a Blogger blog. If you just want to publish a blog, Blogger is great, but can offer much more, like creating various websites. 
WordPress is not just limited to blog-style pages. It has more options and customization features. can be used for free, but the paid versions offer more features and functions.

What Matters Most?

Before you choose the platform, consider these:

Goals: Are you sharing hobbies, establishing yourself as an expert, or aiming for income?
Content: Text-based, or will you include images, videos, or podcasts?
Technical Expertise: Comfortable with setup, or do you prefer user-friendly?
Customization: Do you want extensive control over design, or are you happy with a pre-defined look?
Monetization: Do you plan to generate income through advertising or e-commerce?
Platforms at a Glance

Choose a Blogging Between Blogger and 

Here's a quick comparison to choose a platform to help you decide:

Feature Blogger
Ease of Use Easy Moderate
Customization Limited Moderate
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Good Excellent
Monetization Limited Limited (paid plans offer more options)
Scalability Limited Limited (paid plans offer more options)

Remember, the best platform for you depends on your specific needs and goals. We recommend for the best blogging platform is to create a Blogger blog as a beginner. While offers more flexibility for those who want to create various websites, including blogs. It caters to users with long-term growth plans for their online presence. (alert-success)
By considering your goals and needs, and comparing the features of Blogger and You can choose the platform that best suits you and start your blogging journey on the right foot.


Congratulations, your free Blogger blog is live! Blogger is a free, user-friendly platform and a quality blogging solution. It empowers users to publish content, create posts, and manage their blog with ease. The clear dashboard provides everything you need, from performance stats to track your audience to earnings insights. Remember, success in blogging takes time and dedication. Keep creating great content, promote your blog across various platforms. Congrats! Your free Blogger blog is live and ready for your passions!
Happy blogging! ✍️

FAQs about Creating a Blogger Blog:

What is the difference between a blog and a Blogger?
  • Blog: A blog is a website where you can share information and ideas with the world. There are many platforms to create a blog, including Blogger, WordPress, Wix, etc.
  • Blogger: Blogger is a specific blogging platform created by Google. It is a free and easy-to-use platform that allows you to create your blog.

Is Google Blogger free?
Yes, Google Blogger is a free platform to create a blog. You can create your blog free with a subdomain (e.g., You can register a domain name for a fee by buying it from Google Domains or GoDaddy. A custom domain makes your blog look professional and can also improve its search engine ranking (SEO).

Is creating a blog on Blogger free?
Creating a blog on Blogger is completely free. You can set up your blog, write posts, and publish them without any cost.

How to create a Blogger blog?
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a Blogger blog! You can follow the instructions to set up your free blog and start writing your first post today.

Do beginner bloggers make money?
While some beginner bloggers do start generating income, it typically takes time and effort. Here are some ways bloggers make money:
  • Advertising: Display ads on your blog.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promote top brands and earn commissions from each sale.
  • Selling Digital Products: Create ebooks, courses, or other downloadable content.
  • Freelancing: Use your blog to establish yourself as an expert and attract freelance work.


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