How to Make Money Sending Emails | Free Starter

How to Make Money Sending Emails
How to Make Money Sending Emails

Do you know you can make money sending emails using email marketing for free? This post will guide you to make money online by sending emails free starter.

You have a list of 500 email subscribers, and you sell a product with a price tag of $5. With a conversion rate of only 1%, you can make $50 with just one email.

Can you imagine with me how much money you can make with your 50k email subscribers by offering $10-$25 products with 2-3% conversion? In email marketing, even the sky is no longer the limitMany

 people think email marketing is dead in the age of social media. But it’s still among the best strategies for attracting customers and earning profit.The

secret key is to keep your subscribers engaged by sending high-quality content that they want to read. Then you should expect them to convert to you. After that, you can make money by sending emails.

How to Make Money Sending Emails (Free Starter)

Through this guide, you will learn to make money by sending emails. One way is to use, a fantastic platform that can help you launch your service or any other online business. And it is free to get started!

Make a Free Landing Page

A landing page is a web page that you create to collect leads. It is a standalone page designed to get people to enter their email addresses or sign up!

You can say, a web page which serves as the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website.

To point out, the form landing page is the most common of the many different types of landing pages. That is to say, a form on this type of landing page allows people to enter their email addresses.

Your main goal is to get as many people to enter their email addresses as possible. Moreover, making a valuable lead magnet and promoting your landing page on social media and other platforms will help you achieve your goal and start to make money by sending emails.

Create a Free Landing Page With

Of course, you can build a landing page on WordPress using Element-or or Divi. However, would be the best choice if you wanted to establish a standalone page for a special offer.

You can create beautiful pages without any coding experience using enables you to make top-notch landing pages, sales funnels, and other things. You can say it is an all-in-one email marketing platform.

Best of all, you can start at no cost. As long as you have 2000 contacts, it is also completely free. Not too bad for a beginner, yes?

Once you have someone’s email address, you can start marketing to them by adding them to your mailing list. Pricing Page

Create a Free Lead Magnet

You have probably come across a lot of pop-ups to get your email address in exchange for downloading an e-book or something else. This eBook is the main attraction, while a page is a landing page for the purpose of selling e-books or a specific product.

A lead magnet is a gift you offer in exchange for someone’s email address. Like free eBooks, video courses, and other valuable resources for your target market audience.

Popup form

Make sure the lead magnet you offer is of high quality and relevant to your audience. They won’t enter their email address if it’s not.

This idea is good! You can use this idea to start growing your email list. Start offering something valuable in exchange for someone’s contact or email address information. Then, once you have their email address, you can begin marketing to them.

How to Create a Lead Magnet Using Canva and Make Money Sending Emails

Canva is a brilliant online design tool that makes it simple to create graphics that appear professional. There are many different templates and tools to create the lead magnet, and it’s free to use.

How to create a lead magnet using Canva

Using Canva, follow these steps to create a lead magnet:
  1. First of all, decide what type of lead magnet you want to create.
  2. Choose a relevant template to use.
  3. Add your content or get it from PLR websites. (I will cover this after a while)
  4. To stylize your lead magnet (eBook in this case). Use elements, text, and images.
  5. Choose the correct eBook format, PDF.
Additionally, your lead magnet is simple to download and share with your audience. Let me clarify how you can use PLR sites to create a free lead magnet.

Use PLR Sites to Create a Lead Magnet for free

Using PLR sites is another free way to build a lead magnet. Private Label Rights, or PLR, are rights to use the content however you like, including as a lead magnet.

Look up PLR sites on Google Search

Available on the internet are many different PLR sites, and most of them offer high-quality content that is free to use. Find a PLR article that is relevant to your audience and customize it.

These are some of the greatest PLR websites:

Another way to make a lead magnet is to write an original article. If you want to create a unique lead magnet relevant to your target market is a good option.

And which we advise it is better to write your own content or lead magnet with high quality. Most people use PLR (Private Label Rights) of content as a lead magnet and promote it on social media. Be careful, your content will not be unique and your subscriber may not like this type of copied content. Additionally, you can customize the content to your needs by using only a part of it instead of the complete content.

Build Email List for Free With Sales Funnel

I will show you how to send emails to make money for free. As I promised at the start of this article, using, you can create an entire sales funnel for free.

A sales funnel is an entire sales process. It’s a way for converting a prospect into becoming a customer.

So as to start, you can start with zero contacts in your list. And you move to use the sales funnel to help you grow your list for free.

Contacts List

These are the steps for using to create a sales funnel:

1. Open your free account and log in.

2. Go to “Funnels”.

3. Click on “Create” to start a new sales funnel.

Create a new sales funnel in

4.Enter the name of your sales funnel and set the goal “Build on the audience”.

Enter the name of your sales funnel in

5. Create different pages for your sales funnel with’s list of templates. 

Use a squeeze page to capture someone’s email address. 

Select a template for your squeeze page in

Of course, you can add more steps to your sales funnel.

6. Customize the pages to match your brand with the web page builder.

7. Add a contact form to your squeeze page and track conversions.

8. By going to "Settings" in the dashboard. Set your "custom domains" dashboard

Now you need to confirm your domain ownership by adding "C NAME" to your DNS records.

Add CNAME to your DNS records

9.Drive traffic to your sales funnel and watch your list grow!

On the positive side, you can email your subscribers by using auto-responder. On the whole, it is an excellent method to stay in touch with them and make money by sending emails.

Create a Free Pop-up Using

Easily using, you can also make a pop-up form for nothing. On the other hand, a pop-up is a great way to capture email addresses and grow your list.

1. Log in to your free account.

2. Create a new sales funnel.

3. Create a step, name it, and choose the ‘pop-up’ type.

4. Decide on the perfect pop-up template.

5. Design pop-up on page builder.

Design pop-up on page builder

6. Copy the script tag and paste it for a pop-up to appear.

Copy the script tag in

7. Publish and start capturing email addresses!

So, these are some of the great methods to create a free lead magnet and grow your email list for free.

Make Money Sending Emails

Use to make money with emails right away. Simply sign into your free account, click “Emails” and then start sending email campaigns.

Also, beautiful email newsletters can be created and sent to your subscribers. Also, you can send regular emails to your subscribers using’s auto-responder. Moreover, offers powerful segmentation features to help you better target your email campaigns.

Here’s how to use emails to make money by sending emails:
  1. Understand your audience.
  2. Upsell premium offers or exclusive products.
  3. Introduce a relevant product or service to your email subscribers.
  4. Offer valuable content that helps your subscribers achieve their goals.
  5. Keep track of the results of your email campaigns and optimize them accordingly.
Now you know to build a free lead magnet and grow your email list for free.

Are you interested in finding premium ways to create a pop-up for your site or blog? The Master Popups plugin is a great plugin to check out. You can create the perfect pop-up for your business.
  1. On CodeCanyon, buy Master Popups.
  2. Go to “Purchased License” and download it.
  3. Upload the plugin on WordPress
  4. Go to Master Popups’ General Settings.
  5. Enter your Envato username to activate the plugin.
  6. Connect it to your email marketing service.

WordPress Dashboard WordPress Dashboard

Then you can integrate Master Popups with a lot of email marketing services like Convert-Kit, i Contact, Mail-gun, etc.


So, these are some of the best methods to create a free lead magnet and grow your email list.

Be careful when you customize your PLR, your content will not be unique, and your subscribers may not like this type of copied content PLR. Also, you can build your email list, run your email marketing campaign, and create a lead magnet with I hope you found this post helpful.

You Maybe Interested in this post “6 Tips To Improve Email List“.

FAQ: How to Make Money Sending Emails for Free

How Many Email Subscribers are Required to Make Money?
1. The number of email subscribers you need to make depends on a variety of factors, including the price of your product, the average order value, and the email open rates.
2. Generally speaking, the more email subscribers you have, the more money you can get paid to email people.

Can I Get Paid to Send Emails?
1. Promote products or services as an affiliate and earn a commission for every sale that you generate.
2. Selling advertising space in your emails and getting paid for every ad that is clicked on.
3. Create and sell your own products or services through email marketing.

Why Do Companies Send so Many Emails?
1. The primary reason is to stay top-of-mind with their customers and prospects.
2. By frequently sending emails, businesses can keep their name in front of their audience, which can eventually lead to more sales and conversions.
3. Through email marketing, companies can reach a large audience with minimal effort and cost.

How do I Become an Email Marketer?
1. Create and send email campaigns that are designed to engage and convert customers.
2. Learn the best practices for email list management, segmentation, and delivery.
3. It is helpful to have a working knowledge of email marketing software and tools.
4. You don’t need to know everything right away, just get started and learn as you go.

How to Make Money Online for Beginners – 58 Easy Ideas

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